What a strange end to the year!
We know that many children across the school have enjoyed the weekly learning projects so we have prepared some Summer Activity suggestions for Kestrel Class. These are optional. The activities are in the document below.
Well done for everything you have completed over the past few months. It has been a very unusual situation and we have been really impressed with how everyone has engaged in their learning activities.
Most importantly, we would love you to have a great summer, enjoy the time together and we look forward to seeing you upon your return in September.
Take care and enjoy the summer!
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
This home learning is designed to support and aid you as parents and carers. Please use it to help your child, and support their learning in the best way you can. That said, at the current time, we are all experiencing pressures and needs within our own families not know before. Therefore, please do not put undue pressure on yourselves or children to complete everything. Home learning can be done in many ways, and should be a positive experience. The most important thing right now is that all families are able to be safe, look after one another, and maintain the positives at this challenging time. We are here to help and we understand that you know you child best and can strike the balance between using the home learning and providing the care and attention that all of our children need at this time.
If you need any further support, please email admin@upottery-primary.devon.sch.uk and we will do our best to advise and support.
Best wishes,
The Upottery Teaching Team
A super submarine made out of craft materials. Well done!
Let's hope she knocked down the right wall!!!!
Acrostic poem from a year 5 child:
Another super acrostic poem!!!
Acrostic poem:
9.6.20 Take a look at this SUMMER READING CHALLENGE!
The Summer Reading Challenge, presented by The Reading Agency and funded by Arts Council England, encourages children aged 4 to 11 to set themselves a reading challenge to help prevent the summer reading ‘dip’.
This year, Silly Squad, the Summer Reading Challenge 2020, celebrates funny books, happiness and laughter and features bespoke artwork from award-winning children’s author and illustrator Laura Ellen Anderson (Amelia Fang; Evil Emperor Penguin; I Don’t Want Curly Hair). Children taking part in the Challenge will join the Silly Squad, an adventurous team of animals who love to have a laugh and get stuck in to all different kinds of funny books!
The digital Challenge is free to access, featuring games, quizzes and digital and downloadable activities to incentivise and encourage children and their families to take part in reading-related activities at home. Although our library buildings are closed we have boosted the number of children's books available to borrow via our e-lending platforms which can be accessed from our Devon Libraries
Here are some photos that one of the class has sent in. What a super looking pavlova! I hope those sheep don't feel too chilly without their coats, now that the sun has gone away. Thank you for sending these photos in.
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
We've been sent in a quiz that one of Kestrel Class has created. See if you can answer the questions. She has also been a food critic of her Mum's cooking. See what she has said about her Sweet and Sour dinner! I think we'll all be over to eat dinner at your house based on your review :-)
The new home learning for next week has now been uploaded onto the website. Please send us an email if you have any questions.
3.6.20 Great to see so many of Year 4 on our Zoom session this morning. I loved hearing about all that you had been doing since we last saw each other! I know Mrs Gregory is looking forward to the Friday Zoom with all the Year 5 pupils. Do have a look if you can, at the acrostic food/drink task and we will share those during our next session. If you would prefer not to read it out, you could email it in and I can read it.
Fabulous, fantastic and fun
Onion rings, crunchy, golden and delicious!
Oranges, as orange as the blazing sun
Dark chocolate-peeping at me from inside the silver wrapping
22.5.20 Hello again Kestrels! How lovely to see you again on our 2 Zoom sessions this week. Your Week 6 learning will be posted next Thursday. Another amazing week from you all with ducklings hatching, outdoor play, woodwork, powerpoint, quiz and mask making and scientific experiments! Have a lovely half term everyone!!
We have received this Powerpoint from a year 5 pupil. It is fascinating to read! Thank you for all your hard work and for sending it to us!!!
Another week of Zoom calls and it has been super to see your faces again. Our farming vocabulary has been extended further, we've learnt how NOT to cook flapjacks and we have shared lots of our learning experiences over the past week. Thank you to all the parents making the Zoom calls such as success and well done Kestrels for listening and responding so well. We look forward to seeing you next week and well done for doing such a great job.
Take care and keep smiling!
Mrs G and Mrs L
Kestrels - can we start by saying how super it has been to see you on Zoom this week. It is great to see your faces and hear some of your stories. We know it can be a bit strange seeing lots of faces on a computer screen, and that's ok. But coming together really brightens up our day and we hope that those of you who haven't yet been able to come on, can join us next week.
We have had some more photos from people in the class. We love the attention to detail in the drawing below and after such a sunny day, that lake looks really inviting!
Keep safe, keep smiling and check out the fact file about France below, which was created by one of our year 4 boys. Thank you!
Mrs G and Mrs L
This is a piece of art from a year 5 pupil. She created it using masking tape and paints. What super work!!! I called her Picasso in our Zoom call earlier - but can anyone name the artist who created artwork in blocks like this? Perhaps you could create a fact file to give us some information about them?
Here is a super story from one of our year 5 pupils. I have just read it to my daughter and we loved it! I particularly liked the ending of the story - what a clever idea! Click on the link below to read the story too.
We have been onto Mathletics and assigned lots of new activities for you to have a go at. We can see lots of you have had a go already at the activities on the website. Keep it up! Log onto the website at https://login.mathletics.com/ and if you have forgotten your login details then email the school office.
One Year 4 boy has accomplished the 2.6 challenge. He stayed in his room for 26 hours and completed 2600 steps during that time. He set a target to raise £100 to raise money for the Children's Hospice South West charity and has already raised £300. He even managed a guitar lesson on Zoom during the challenge. A huge well done!
It's fantastic to get photos from you to show us what you have been doing. Here are some photos of what you have been up to. Please keep sending them in to the school office. It would be great to see some photos or examples of what you have been doing in your home learning.
We heard today on our Zoom call that a year 4 child has learnt to ride a bike during lockdown. This is fantastic news and really demonstrates the school value of resilience. Well done! Watch the video below. It was super to see everyone's faces today and we are looking forward to catching up with year 5 tomorrow.
Kestrel Class -Week 2- 27.4.20
We hope you are enjoying the continued lovely weather. Like you, we are listening to the news and waiting to hear when we might be back in school but until then above (in a word document) is the work for our second week – Monday 27th to Friday 1st May. We really think that you will enjoy the work and we’ve written it for both you and your parents so we hope it’s clear.
To help with this as a class we will have an opportunity to all talk together. On our website and in the newsletter you will find the times when we will be able to Zoom in your year groups and we can explain our work and we can all have a catch up as a class. If you need anything explained further just email us via Mrs Kennell.
I and my family have been taking lots of walks with our dogs and doing them in reverse for a bit of variety! Mrs Gregory has been pulling out lots of weeds in her garden! Keep enjoying the sunshine, and hope you and all your family are well.
Wednesday 22nd April:
Earlier in the year, Mrs Gregory went on a music training course and had the chance to meet the man in the clip below. See if you can have a go at creating some rhythms using body percussion! Let us know if you manage to do it!
Please check with an adult when you are using the internet. Use the internet carefully and talk to an adult if you feel something isn't right.
If you are looking for different activities to do, which are not on your home learning sheet, then you may find the link below useful.
Tuesday 21st April:
Good evening Kestrels!
We hope you are having a good week. The sun is out again (yay!) so hopefully you can make the most of it. It is great to hear so many of your getting on with your home learning. Please don't worry about doing everything on the sheet. There is a lot there for you to choose from.
Below is a super RE resource that you can have a look at.
Stay safe, keep smiling and we will upload next week's work very soon!
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
Friday 17th April:
Hello Kestrels!
Firstly, we wanted to see if anyone has been following the news story about war Veteran 'Tom Moore'? He is fundraising money for the NHS by walking laps of his garden. He has completed his 100 laps and has raised nearly £20 million so far! This is incredible.
We had a very interesting email from someone in the class today about a learning task that you can do with any Easter egg chocolate you have in the house. You can learn about the different types of rock. Please remember to work with an adult on this task, as it involves using hot water!
Thursday 16th April
Hello Kestrels. Here is your learning for the week beginning 20/4/20. If you have any questions about any of the learning then please email admin@upottery-primary.devon.sch.uk and we will get in touch to help.
Just a few things to remember:
* When adding and subtracting decimal numbers, remember to line the decimal place up so the other numbers keep their correct place value.
* When subtracting, remember to carry across if the top number is smaller than the bottom.
* When writing, remember to use interesting adverbs and adjectives. You can use an online thesaurus at https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus if you don't have one at home.
* Read your writing through to check it makes sense and has the correct punctuation.
Please don't worry about completing it all. Try your best, stay positive and remember the school value of resilience in all you do!
We have loved reading about 99 year old war veteran Tom Moore, who has raised more than £6 million for the NHS by walking 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday on April 30th. He shows that you can achieve anything you want if you put your mind to it.
Take care and keep safe!
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
Wednesday 15th April:
Below is a picture with lots of things you can do from home. Some of them may be slightly impossible (!!!!), for example playing in the snow. Visiting a farm shouldn't be too tricky for some of you. See how many you can do and let us know!
Tuesday 14th April Update:
Hello Kestrels! We hope you have had a good holiday. It has been great to see so many photos - all that baking looks delicious! And that Kinex ferris wheel is huge!!!!
It really would be lovely to hear from lots more of you, to see how you are getting on and what you have been up to. So if you have anything you would like to share with the class, please send it in an email to admin@upottery-primary.devon.sch.uk
Perhaps if you have managed to improve your score on UR Brainy then you can let the class know? Or if you have read a really good book then tell us about it. Even if we are not in the same room then we can still keep in touch and up to date with each other.
Later on in the week we shall upload the learning for next week. Please don't worry if you can't do it all, but have a go and try your best. Most importantly, keep reading to someone regularly and keep practising your times tables.
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
Home Learning
Hello Kestrels and welcome to the 'Home Learning' section of our class website. This area will be updated regularly with suggestions of things to do whilst you are learning from home.
Please complete some Maths, Literacy and URBrainy each day, where possible, and record it in your orange book.
If you have any questions, then please email the school office.
Week beginning 23/03/20 and 13/04/20 below. If you have completed these activities and wish to do more, then we have attached the home learning ideas for our 'Bottoms, Burps and Bile' topic. Should the school remain closed, then please check the class website for further weeks of learning.
Our Cornerstones topic this half term is 'Potions'. We have started the topic by exploring the viscosity of different liquids. WE have also been investigating if bubbles can freeze.
Please take time to listen to your child read as much as possible and help them practise their weekly spellings.
Mrs Gregory and Mrs Leach
Times table testing:
As mentioned in your homework task this term, year 4 children will be tested on their multiplication tables in June 2020. Below are the two links that you can access that will mirror the online test for children to practise.
The more children are able to practise, the more confidence they will have during the test. Please try and identify which tables your child finds tricky and support them in learning them at home.
Thank you
We are using Mathletics to consolidate our learning in class. Children will be given their login information and are encouraged to access the site from home to complete assigned tasks. There is no deadline for the tasks, however, we encourage children to be proactive in their approach to their learning.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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